Wednesday, August 29, 2012
3M Idea Chat & New Project
Ariana recently posted a new section on her official website where you can submit ideas on ways you think she can celebrate reaching 3 Million followers (gotta happen soon), it is called a chat and you send in how you think Ari should celebrate 3 Million.
Ariana also tweeted that she is starting a new project and she cannot wait to tell us, and we cannot wait to hear.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
This Mornings Live Chat
As you may know Ariana held a live chat a few hours ago where she answered questions, did shoutouts and follows, here is the video of the chat-
Dinner With Ariana
A few hours ago Ariana held the #DinnerWithAriana with the winners of her twitter competition, they hacked each others phones and seemed super happy. Heaps of the guests posted pics of the night and them with Ariana, here are the tweets and some pics-
Ariana hacked this guests instagram and took this pic <3 sweet
Saturday, August 25, 2012
2.9 Million Followers & Live Chat
Ariana just reached 2.9 Million Followers on Twitter and to celebrate she is holding a live chat on Sunday, she posted a pic with all the international times written down so you can attend.
Here are the times-
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Ariana has Dark Hair? & new blog
Ariana recently posted a pic and tweeted that she has temporarily dyed her hair a darker red for a role she is in and is going to change it back (of course). Ari also tweeted that she is going to make a blog and wants ideas on what it should be about.
Here are the tweets and pic-
Here are the tweets and pic-
Sunday, August 19, 2012
New Pics
Ariana has posted a few pics lately, one of her with her Nonna, one of her blimp from the Nick Choice Awards and one of her in her new 'Gimme Some Lovin' video, here they are-
Ariana's 'Gimme Some Lovin' Video
Ariana recently posted the video she created to go with her cover of 'Gimme Some Lovin' by The Spencer Davis Group, Ariana made the video at the beach in Malibu and is lots of snippits of her singing, dancing and having fun on the beach, here it is-
Ari Tweeted-
Thursday, August 16, 2012
2.8 Million Twitter Followers & Q&A +Pics
Ariana recently reached 2.8 Million followers on twitter and she organised a Q&A where she got her fans to ask her questions, here is what Ari tweeted-
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Please Help Us Win This Competition-

We entered this competition and would absolutely love it if all you guys could click the link to our collage and click the "vote for this inspiration board" button, thanks so much, it means alot to us. Please share the link on Facebook and Twitter xo
What Ariana Thinks Of Miley Cyrus' New Hair
Miley Cyrus recently got a new short hairstyle and has been getting some mean comments about it, Miley loves it and says it makes her feel pretty and free,
Here is what Ariana tweeted about it and how Miley replied-

Here is what Ariana tweeted about it and how Miley replied-

Monday, August 13, 2012
More Malibu Beach Pics
Ariana spent another day filming for her Gimme Some Lovin cover music video at the beach in Malibu. She posted heaps of gorgeous pics of her, the car were in and of Frankie and Coco. Here they are-
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Ariana Filming 'Gimme Some Lovin' Cover at the Malibu Beach
Yesterday, Ariana spent the day filming a video for her cover of 'Gimme Some Lovin' at the beach in Malibu. She posted pics of the beach, her new pink polka dot dress she got for the video as well as a pic of her gorgeous dog Coco (who went to the beach for the first time.)
We cannot wait for the video, here it was Ari posted-

We cannot wait for the video, here it was Ari posted-

Petition to Bring Back Victorious
We came across this online petition to save Victorious, we would like everyone to sign to by putting in your name and email, thanks.
bring back victorious!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
New Nickelodeon Movie?
Ariana tweeted recently that she is filming a new Nickelodeon movie alongside Jennette McCurdy, Ari tweeted-
“Our second day of working on a new Nick movie! Jennette got them pretty blue eyes.”
Other than this we don't know anything else about the movie but cannot wait for it to come out.
Thanks To for the news
Friday, August 10, 2012
Twitter Contest
Ariana tweeted that she will be holding a twitter contest, where the prize is being invited to go out for dinner with Ariana in Florida. Unfortunatly for us, you need to be able to get there yourself, but Ariana will be choosing 10 fans so that 10 really happy arianators.
The competition works like this- you need a twitter account where you can nominate other arianators by writing #dinnerwithariana i nominate -(username)- where the 10 arianators with the most votes will be invited. How exciting :) #dinnerwithariana has already trended World Wide #1 in just a few hours.
The competition started right after her live chat a few hours ago, here is what she tweeted-
The competition works like this- you need a twitter account where you can nominate other arianators by writing #dinnerwithariana i nominate -(username)- where the 10 arianators with the most votes will be invited. How exciting :) #dinnerwithariana has already trended World Wide #1 in just a few hours.
The competition started right after her live chat a few hours ago, here is what she tweeted-
2.7 Million Followers & New Cover
Just a few hours ago, Ariana reached 2.7 Million followers on Twitter and to celebrate released her new cover of "Gimme Some Lovin" by The Spencer Davis Group. Here it is-
"My cover of "Gimme Some Lovin" by The Spencer Davis Group in celebration of 2.7 million followers on Twitter! Hope you all love it and thank you so much..
Love you so <3"
Love you so <3"
Victorious Not Being Renewed
Ariana tweeted just a few hours ago that Victorious will not being renewed for a forth season, but that it has nothing to do with Sam & Cat and that Ari was planning on doing both. The producer, Dan Schnieder said that they have just finished filming 15 new episodes, and that the desicion was the networks and not his. We are unsure of all the details yet but we wish all the cast good luck for their careers after Victorious.
Dan Schnieder wrote an article about the series-
Hey guys! If I misspell anything in this post, please forgive me – I'm in the back seat of a car, typing on my phone!
Okay, first things first…
There is a whole NEW season of Victorious coming your way. We just finished shooting 15 new episodes, and they're amazing. If you love Victorious, I feel sure you will love the NEW episodes coming!
By now, a lot of you have heard that Victorious will not be returning for a 4th season. That is true. This was the network's decision – not mine.
Please understand: Almost all Nickelodeon shows have a life of about 60 episodes. We made around 60 episodes of Drake & Josh… of Zoey 101… and we made 41 episodes of The Amanda Show… and all those shows were big hits.
So, it's not unusual for a Nick show to do a run of just 60 episodes. I would love to have made more than 60 of Victorious, but that's how it usually goes.
We're extremely proud of the show, and all we've accomplished.
Also – and it's really important that you know this – the network's decision about Victorious had nothing to do with "Gibby" or "Sam & Cat". I promise. Even if there was no "Gibby" and no "Sam & Cat" – the network still would have ended Victorious after its 60-episode run.
I know that some of you are upset and angry – and while I feel terrible about that, I'm also flattered by it. I really appreciate that you care so much. It means you love the show, which makes me feel very proud.
But I ask that you please not be angry with Victoria, or Leon, Liz, Ariana, Avan... or ANY of the Victorious cast members or staff. They all wanted Victorious to continue – so did I.
But remember! Stay psyched about the 15 new episodes of Victorious coming your way!
And I hope you'll continue to support Victoria Justice, and me, and all the stars of Victorious. I can almost guarantee you – they will make a big impact on the future of entertainment.
And finally... of course... I will keep making the best, funniest TV shows I know how to make, for as long as people have fun watching them.
I'll see you online later, and I'll try to answer some of your questions.
Thanks for listening. As always, please be nice to each other. :)
–Dan (a.k.a. DanWarp)
Okay, first things first…
There is a whole NEW season of Victorious coming your way. We just finished shooting 15 new episodes, and they're amazing. If you love Victorious, I feel sure you will love the NEW episodes coming!
By now, a lot of you have heard that Victorious will not be returning for a 4th season. That is true. This was the network's decision – not mine.
Please understand: Almost all Nickelodeon shows have a life of about 60 episodes. We made around 60 episodes of Drake & Josh… of Zoey 101… and we made 41 episodes of The Amanda Show… and all those shows were big hits.
So, it's not unusual for a Nick show to do a run of just 60 episodes. I would love to have made more than 60 of Victorious, but that's how it usually goes.
We're extremely proud of the show, and all we've accomplished.
Also – and it's really important that you know this – the network's decision about Victorious had nothing to do with "Gibby" or "Sam & Cat". I promise. Even if there was no "Gibby" and no "Sam & Cat" – the network still would have ended Victorious after its 60-episode run.
I know that some of you are upset and angry – and while I feel terrible about that, I'm also flattered by it. I really appreciate that you care so much. It means you love the show, which makes me feel very proud.
But I ask that you please not be angry with Victoria, or Leon, Liz, Ariana, Avan... or ANY of the Victorious cast members or staff. They all wanted Victorious to continue – so did I.
But remember! Stay psyched about the 15 new episodes of Victorious coming your way!
And I hope you'll continue to support Victoria Justice, and me, and all the stars of Victorious. I can almost guarantee you – they will make a big impact on the future of entertainment.
And finally... of course... I will keep making the best, funniest TV shows I know how to make, for as long as people have fun watching them.
I'll see you online later, and I'll try to answer some of your questions.
Thanks for listening. As always, please be nice to each other. :)
–Dan (a.k.a. DanWarp)
Contest, New Cover & Live Chat
Ariana tweeted a few hours ago that she will be doing a live chat with Jennette McCurdy tommorrow at 3:30 pst (USA time), she also said that she will release a new cover she made of "Gimme Some Lovin" as soon as she reaches 2.7 Million followers. Ariana tweeted that she will also be holding a contest tommorrow morning and that it will be really special. We cannot wait for all this awesome stuff <3
Here is what Ari tweeted-
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Cat's Random Thoughts Video
We were looking around youtube and found this arimazing video from, it is of Cat (Ariana) talking about random things including, straws, milk, timezones and swivel chairs. The video is hilarious and of course includes Cat being absoloutly gorgeous and cute, here it is-
Monday, August 6, 2012
Old Video- Ariana's Hair & Interview with Avan
We have just been looking around youtube and found these two really good videos of Ari, both from last year. The first video is an interview by Clevver Tv of Ariana where they talk to her about her hair and how she dyes it, the second one is an interview of Ari and co-star Avan Jogia where they are just asked pretty much random questions, here are the videos-
Matt Bennet's July 2012 Video feat. Ariana
Just a few days ago Matt Bennet posted a video sumnming up all the cool stuff he has been doing over the fabulous month of July, as he does for every month and it includes quite alot of videos of Ariana especially running around New-York. Here is the video-
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Ariana Goes To The Flea Market
Today Ari tweeted that she went to the flea market, if you don't know what that is its like a big market full of vintage clothes, jewellery, accessories and heaps of other things. Ari bought a gorgeous white dress, varsity jacket and 2 gorgeous blue and yellow floral skirts. She posted a pic of them alongside a pic of a bunch of little toy dinosaurs she saw.
Month Till Album Realese

ps. We have just reached 200 posts and almost 11K so we would really appreciate it if some of you guys could share this blog by email, facebook or twitter. Thanks so much xoxo
Sam and Cat
Ariana and Jeanette McCurdy's spin off series titled 'Sam and Cat' is going to be made into two pilot episodes this summer (by Dan Schnieder). The episodes will be tested and then the decision will be made whether they will continue it for a full season.
Just Jared Interview
Here is an interview Ari tweeted from the day she performed at the kcorp concert, she was interviewed by Just Jared Jr. In the interview she talks heaps about her music, style and what's going on. She also says that her new album is very different to PYHU and that it will be less commerical pop sounding. Here is the interview-
Check out our exclusive Just Jared Jr. interview with actress Ariana Grande!
The 19-year-old beauty, best known for her role as Cat Valentine on Nickelodeon’s hit show Victorious, chatted with us about her love for Katy Perry, her upcoming TV kiss and how getting into character actually helped her through a devastating breakup. Check it:
JJJ: We love your concert style! Can you tell us about your dress?
AG: Thanks, this was actually made for me by a lady named Barcelona. I found her through a stylist. I was telling her that I don’t really find [many] dresses that I love, because I like older looking things, and she was like, “I can make you something!” So she made me this in a bunch of colors!
JJJ: That’s great! You’ve been singing for a while now. What’s the first song you remember singing as a child?
AG: The first song I ever sang out loud was an NSYNC song. I remember I was in the car with my mommy and [when she heard me sing] she was like, “Is that you? Can you do that again?”
JJJ: Does your single “Put Your Hearts Up” represent the rest of your upcoming album?
AG: No, it’s completely different. That was more of a commercial sounding pop record. My album is throwback Motown. It’s like modern Motown inspired pop and soul – It’s fun!
Click inside for 10+ pics of Ariana performing live at the Kleenex brand Shield. Sneeze. Swish. event and more of her interview with JJJ…
JJJ: Do you have a favorite track off it?
AG: So far, of the titles that everyone knows, I think “Do You Love Me?” is my favorite.
JJJ: Is it true that you have the same voice coach as Katy Perry?
AG: Yes, Eric Vetro. He’s unbelievable! I met Katy actually through him. She’s such a sweet woman. I love her – she’s one of my inspirations, I look up to her. Just meeting her and seeing how cool she was, and nice, and sweet, and kind, and normal made me like, “Thank God for some normalcy in this business.” Because I’ve seen the opposite. I’ve seen some crazy, horrible people so seeing her was so refreshing.
JJJ: Do you remember what you guys chatted about when you first met?
AG: She told me I looked really cute and she liked my hair! She said I looked like the Little Mermaid and was like, “Best of luck to you!”
JJJ: That’s so sweet! Speaking of your red-velvet locks, which we also love, what’s the story behind them?
AG: Thanks! About an hour before I got cast on the show [Victorious] they called and asked if it’d be okay for them to do anything they wanted with my hair, and I eagerly said yes. I’m happy with their decision.
JJJ: Wow, that’s so spontaneous! Before landing your role on Nickelodeon, you were in the Broadway play 13. What would be your dream role if you ever returned to The Great White Way?
AG: I would love to go back and play Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors or Penny in Hairspray. I love the music in both [shows] and both roles are very girly. Penny is just quirky and fun and silly. Then Audrey is shy and would be a different role to play because she’s had a rough past and was abused. She’s also a New Yorker (says in a strong NY accent).
JJJ: Which Victorious character do you think you’d be BFFs with in real-life?
AG: Probably Cat. I love her and I adore her. Playing her makes me feel happier.
JJJ: So her positive vibes rub off on you?
AG: Yeah, like we were filming one season and I went through this horrible, horrendous breakup. My heart was broken and shattered. I was crying through hair and makeup, like I couldn’t even pull myself together. Then when I started playing Cat I forgot all about it. I was with Robbie (Matt Bennett), Jade (Elizabeth Gillies) and Andre (Leon Thomas) and nothing makes Cat sad really. She’s sort of high on life I guess and playing someone like that just makes me so happy.
JJJ: In future episodes, will fans get to see Cat and Robbie’s relationship heat up?
AG: Yeah it will…he kisses me! Cat doesn’t really know how to handle it, she like, “I don’t know!” I think deep down whether they decide to go anywhere with it or not in the long run they’re in love. I think Cat loves Robbie a lot and I think Robbie loves Cat.
JJJ: Speaking of relationships, what’s the best boy advice you’ve gotten?
AG: To only be with somebody if they make you feel like the best version of yourself. You can’t sacrifice yourself for anybody, you know?
JJJ: That’s great advice! Who’s your musical crush right now?
AG: Bruno Mars!
JJJ: You recently covered Justin Bieber’s song “Die in Your Arms” and it’s already gotten over 1 million views! Is that your favorite song of his?
AG: Yeah, I love that one and “As Long As you Love Me” and “Love Me Like you Do”!
JJJ: We heard you’re a big fan of The Wizard of Oz. Are you excited for the upcoming film Oz starring Mila Kunis and James Franco?
AG: Yeah, that’s crazy! Of course I’m excited, it’s one of my favorite stories – I love it!
Read more:
Check out our exclusive Just Jared Jr. interview with actress Ariana Grande!
The 19-year-old beauty, best known for her role as Cat Valentine on Nickelodeon’s hit show Victorious, chatted with us about her love for Katy Perry, her upcoming TV kiss and how getting into character actually helped her through a devastating breakup. Check it:
JJJ: We love your concert style! Can you tell us about your dress?
AG: Thanks, this was actually made for me by a lady named Barcelona. I found her through a stylist. I was telling her that I don’t really find [many] dresses that I love, because I like older looking things, and she was like, “I can make you something!” So she made me this in a bunch of colors!
JJJ: That’s great! You’ve been singing for a while now. What’s the first song you remember singing as a child?
AG: The first song I ever sang out loud was an NSYNC song. I remember I was in the car with my mommy and [when she heard me sing] she was like, “Is that you? Can you do that again?”
JJJ: Does your single “Put Your Hearts Up” represent the rest of your upcoming album?
AG: No, it’s completely different. That was more of a commercial sounding pop record. My album is throwback Motown. It’s like modern Motown inspired pop and soul – It’s fun!
Click inside for 10+ pics of Ariana performing live at the Kleenex brand Shield. Sneeze. Swish. event and more of her interview with JJJ…

AG: So far, of the titles that everyone knows, I think “Do You Love Me?” is my favorite.
JJJ: Is it true that you have the same voice coach as Katy Perry?
AG: Yes, Eric Vetro. He’s unbelievable! I met Katy actually through him. She’s such a sweet woman. I love her – she’s one of my inspirations, I look up to her. Just meeting her and seeing how cool she was, and nice, and sweet, and kind, and normal made me like, “Thank God for some normalcy in this business.” Because I’ve seen the opposite. I’ve seen some crazy, horrible people so seeing her was so refreshing.
JJJ: Do you remember what you guys chatted about when you first met?
AG: She told me I looked really cute and she liked my hair! She said I looked like the Little Mermaid and was like, “Best of luck to you!”
JJJ: That’s so sweet! Speaking of your red-velvet locks, which we also love, what’s the story behind them?
AG: Thanks! About an hour before I got cast on the show [Victorious] they called and asked if it’d be okay for them to do anything they wanted with my hair, and I eagerly said yes. I’m happy with their decision.
JJJ: Wow, that’s so spontaneous! Before landing your role on Nickelodeon, you were in the Broadway play 13. What would be your dream role if you ever returned to The Great White Way?
AG: I would love to go back and play Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors or Penny in Hairspray. I love the music in both [shows] and both roles are very girly. Penny is just quirky and fun and silly. Then Audrey is shy and would be a different role to play because she’s had a rough past and was abused. She’s also a New Yorker (says in a strong NY accent).
JJJ: Which Victorious character do you think you’d be BFFs with in real-life?
AG: Probably Cat. I love her and I adore her. Playing her makes me feel happier.
JJJ: So her positive vibes rub off on you?
AG: Yeah, like we were filming one season and I went through this horrible, horrendous breakup. My heart was broken and shattered. I was crying through hair and makeup, like I couldn’t even pull myself together. Then when I started playing Cat I forgot all about it. I was with Robbie (Matt Bennett), Jade (Elizabeth Gillies) and Andre (Leon Thomas) and nothing makes Cat sad really. She’s sort of high on life I guess and playing someone like that just makes me so happy.
JJJ: In future episodes, will fans get to see Cat and Robbie’s relationship heat up?
AG: Yeah it will…he kisses me! Cat doesn’t really know how to handle it, she like, “I don’t know!” I think deep down whether they decide to go anywhere with it or not in the long run they’re in love. I think Cat loves Robbie a lot and I think Robbie loves Cat.
JJJ: Speaking of relationships, what’s the best boy advice you’ve gotten?
AG: To only be with somebody if they make you feel like the best version of yourself. You can’t sacrifice yourself for anybody, you know?
JJJ: That’s great advice! Who’s your musical crush right now?
AG: Bruno Mars!
AG: Yeah, I love that one and “As Long As you Love Me” and “Love Me Like you Do”!
JJJ: We heard you’re a big fan of The Wizard of Oz. Are you excited for the upcoming film Oz starring Mila Kunis and James Franco?
AG: Yeah, that’s crazy! Of course I’m excited, it’s one of my favorite stories – I love it!
Read more:
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