Thursday, September 19, 2013

You Can Get Your Hair Back

For many people follicle loss can be a big issue. It is estimated that hair loss sufferers end up spending billions of dollars on follicle loss treatments alone each year. It can be devastating to have thinning or balding hair and it does not matter if you are a woman or a man. Many people are identified by their hair color or their hair texture, so to lose that can make a person feel like they are losing a part of themselves. Thankfully there are many solutions that are available to people that have thinning or balding hair.


Rogain is world renown for its hair growing solutions. Rogain is FDA approved and it has been medically proven to not only regrown hair but also to revitalize hair follicles. Rogain is very simple to use. All that has to be applied is two drops of the solution daily to the scalp. It is the number one recommended brand of dermatologist, and many people have had a lot of success with Rogain for the regrowth of their hair.

Hair Transplant Surgery

Another way to treat baldness (especially male pattern baldness) is with a hair transplant. Hair transplants have been proven to have great success even though they may be a little costly. The way that the surgery is preformed is by moving hair follicles from an area of the body called the 'donor site' and transplanting them to the scalp which is known as the recipient site. This surgery has a very high success rate and the nice thing about it is that the hair keeps growing after the transplant.

Natural Options

Some claim that there are natural ways to help hair grow that are effective as well. Antioxidants have been proven to prevent follicle loss. Green tea contains high antioxidants, and by rubbing two warmed green tea bags on the scalp and leaving the mixture on the scalp for an hour it is possible to prevent follicle loss and boost hair growth.

Head massages are another great natural way to boost circulation of the scalp. By getting scalp massages daily a person can stimulate circulation and keep their hair follicles active.

Quite often stress can be a cause of follicle loss and a good way to remedy stress induced follicle loss is by practicing stress relief tactics. By finding things to help with stress like exercise, meditation and slow breathing a person can relieve their stress and quite possibly stimulate their hair growth again.

There are many reasons why people lose their hair and there is no one solution that will work for everyone. Hair loss can be devastating to anyone, but the good news is that there are a lot of options that are available to help. If follicle loss effects you or anyone that you love it is worth the time and effort to investigate the different hair loss solutions out there to find the one that will work the best for your situation.

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The African American Woman's Guide to Hair Loss

Shedding hair is a natural process for any woman. However, hair loss is not and many African American women suffer from it. In fact, more and more African American women are diagnosed with alopecia each year. In this guide, we'll take a look at the two types plaguing women of color and how you can restore your hair back to radiant health.
What is Alopecia?
Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. The two major types African American women face are Traction Alopecia and Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopeci (CCCA). Both are treatable and preventable with a consistent plan of action.
Traction Alopecia
This is hair loss as a result of stress and constant pulling of the hair strand that weakens the follicle. Hairstyles are the typical cause. You'll see hair loss gradually in the area of the most strain. Weaves, extensions, braids, cornrows, or tight ponytails can contribute to this.
Many transitioners use these low maintenance styles to cut down on manipulation of the hair. However, it can be easy to forget about proper management of one's own hair when in these styles. Proper guidance while transitioning is key to preventing traction alopecia before it starts!
Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopeci (CCCA)
CCCA is hair loss that begins at the center of the scalp and spreads out. Some of the most common factors are chemical processing (relaxers, dyes) or heat damage (hot comb, flat iron, curling iron). These process not only cause hair loss, but can do serious damage to the remainder of your hair. A biopsy is typically recommended to confirm this diagnosis, however you can start natural preventative and treatment measures right away.
How to Treat and Prevent Hair Loss
Here is the good news: traction alopecia and CCCA is reversible in most cases. Here are a few simple tips to restoring your hair and scalp to its healthy state:
  • Avoid tight hairstyles. Weaves, braids, cornrows, and tight ponytails are examples of some styles to avoid. Where looser styles or custom fit wigs while nursing your hair back to optimal health.
  • No more chemicals/heat. In order to thrive your hair needs a break (possibly permanently) from the chemicals and heat. These two things can damage the strongest of strands. Becoming natural will increase your chances of healthy hair growth and a healthy scalp. Plus, natural hair is gorgeous!
  • Nourish your hair and scalp. Using nutrient-rich plant-based hair care products is essential to giving your hair and scalp the nourishment it needs to rejuvenate. Look for products with perfect blend of herbs and oils to renew damage done at the follicle level.
Keeping your hair and scalp well cleansed, moisturized, and stress-free is key for its survival. I can help you find the right products and routine for your individual needs.
  • Nourish your body. This is an important factor that is overlooked. Just as you feed your hair to nourish it back to health, you have to feed you body in order to help heal it.
Eating a rainbow of fruits and veggies each day will boost your healing potential and stimulate hair growth from the inside. Lean protein helps promote strong hair and scalp, while healthy fats from nuts and seeds provide moisture and protection.
  • Get the proper support. Dealing with hair loss can be frustrating. Having support can provide you with the tools and tips necessary to get individual solutions to this problem. I am ready to help you get your healthy hair back while providing you with the support you need!
Hair loss is not a fun thing to deal with. But with some much needed TLC, this guide, and a great support system, your hairs beauty will be radiantly restored!

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Determining the Cost of a Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplantation is by far the most effective solution for treating baldness problems. Although this modern-day cosmetic surgery is available across the entire world, the cost varies from one region to another. The price variation is not because of geographical distribution only. There are several other reasons why the cost of a hair transplant varies between places. The doctors and patients play a significant role in regulating the factors. One can calculate the total price of the surgery only after the mutual decision of the doctor and the patient.

The target areas

This is one of the most crucial factors in a hair transplantation surgery. The number of follicular grafts (for implantation) mostly depends on the baldness severity. Estimating the grafting region and follicle requirements is the most vital task of the entire transplantation process. If the bald area is only at the front of the head, the hairs are quite easily restorable. These hairs are mostly from other regions of the body. So, if you wish to adopt this technique, the body hair quality must match with the scalp.

Follicle quality

In hair transplantation, the strand quality must match with the scalp hairs. These play a significant role in determining the operation expenses. Different artificial strands are available these days, which cost somewhere around 3-6 $. But, if we consider the area wise grafting, we have to calculate the cost per 1000 grafts. Moreover, the clinic status and its facilities also play a vital role in cost estimation.

Surgeon expenses

There are 2 common well-known methods of a transplantation surgery. One of these is the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and the other is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). If a doctor combines the 2 methods for the operation, the overall operation expenses will certainly rise up.

The surgery venue

If the patient undergoes the surgery in a private clinic, the operation fee is pretty low. However, if the patient undergoes the surgery in a large clinic, the total cost will certainly rise up. The total cost always depends on the number of sessions or graft implantation (in the bald region). Apart from the place, the surgical technique also plays a significant role in cost determination.

The transplantation cost always becomes a vital issue for the patients. So, as a patient, you should always ask for a rough price estimate before going under the knife. This will certainly make you successful in the long run.


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Monday, July 15, 2013

'The Listening Sessions' Tour

Today, Ariana announced the name of her upcoming tour. It's called 'The Listening Sessions' and will be happening this August, around the US and Canada.
She will be going to Silver Spring, New York, Philadelphia, Red Bank, Lowell, Toronro, Royal Oak, Rosemont and Kansas City from the 13th to 31st of August.

Ariana said they shows are going to be at intimate venues where songs from the upcoming album will be played. The tickets will be released on Friday.

Here are some of Ari's tweets-
Excited to announce that I'm going on my 1st tour "The Listening Sessions" this August. :)

It's called Listening Sessions because we're playing only a few intimate venues & you'll get to hear the music live before the album is out.

Don't worry, down the road we'll be playing more places. This is just the start, the 1st branch is just about introducing u to the music. :)

Sorry guys here's an updated version of the dates & venues I think there were some mistakes b4. Tix on sale Friday!!

Here are the dates & venues-

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New Single 'Baby I'!!!

Today, Ariana announced that she has named her 3rd single, Baby I. It will be released on the 22nd of July, in 7 days.
We think the single is going to be amazing!! We are really looking forward to buying it and seeing how successful it is. xx

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Sam & Cat - Doubles Season 1

Ariana and Jenette McCurdy's show, Sam & Cat, has been ordered to double it's first season. So far the show has been a huge sucess and has many fans and viewers. The show is ordered to now produce 40 episodes (double the original amount).
Some of the episodes have already been filmed and and there are a lot more to come.
You can read an article about it here. xx

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Saturday, July 13, 2013


Over the past few days, a lot of things have happened for Ariana and she has made some big announcements! Here they are, along with Ariana's tweets-

New Song
Ariana tweeted that she might be releasing a new song this month.
You may be getting a new song this month. Who said that oops.
Lol your reactions are my favorite. But yes it's true. Lots of music stuff coming up. Exciting time for us fam. :) Love u have a good night.
Mac Miller tweeted: . bout to release a song that's very awesome.

Song Preview
On Keek, to celebrate her reaching 7.4 Million Twitter followers. Ariana released a 12 second video of some of her friends and fellow musicians, dancing along in a recording studio to a song she is singing.
Wanna hear a few seconds of something special?

Tour & New Single Announcing Date
Ariana tweeted that she is going to be going on a tour this summer, and that she will be releasing the name on Monday. She is also going to announce her new single.
Preorder info still coming soon but on Monday I will be announcing my new single and the name of my first tour I'm going on this summer. :)

We are sure that all this music Ariana is making is going to be GREAT!
We are looking forward to buying her albums!!

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Ariana's Keek Diaries

A few days ago, Ariana reached 7.3 Million followers on Twitter, to celebrate she decided to post a Behind The Scenes Keek everyday for the rest of the week. Keek is a website where Ariana posts little videos of herself having fun, rehersing and her friends and family.

Here are the keeks so far-
(you can watch the rest of the keeks here throughout the week)

Jul 6, 2013 | Backstage moments from Kansas City 💗 

Jul 7, 2013 | Vocal warm ups with Eric, mascara faces, alarming people backstage #KeekDiaries

Jul 8, 2013 | Diana, I'm so glad we met. Special thanks to Patti Pepper, you are a queen. #keekdiaries 

Ariana tweeted-
Thank u 7.3! I will be posting a behind the scenes Keek every day this week like the 1 I posted today to celebrate. Can't wait for u to see.

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Ariana in Kansas City

Ariana recently travelled to Kansas City to perform at a concert fopr their radio station, Mix 93.3. She performed The Way, with her crew and said she had a blast!

Here's a short video of her performance from youtube-

Ariana Tweeted-
On my way to Kansas City to perform for tonight!! Can't wait to see you there. Who's coming? Xo

Kansas City with the crew. :) Getting ready for the concert tonight. Who's coming? Can't wait to see you.

Thank you so much Mix 93.3 Kansas City for having me. I had such a blast. <3 The audience was amazing too, thank you guys I hope u had fun.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Billboard- Best Newcomer & Teen Choice Award Nomination

Over the past few days, Ariana has been nominated in the Teen Choice Awards and has won the Billboard Award's Best Newcomer.

In the Teen Choice Awards, she is nominated for Best Style sponsered by Candies and The Way is nominated for Best Love Song.

You can vote for Ariana and The Way, here. 

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Ariana and Jennette on the cover of Girls Life mag

Ariana and her Ssm & Cat co-star (and one of ehr best friends) Jennette McCurdy, were chosen as the cover girls for the US magazine, Girls Life.
This is the second US magazine cover, Ariana is on at the moment, which is super exciting. In the magazine, they are interviewed about what it's like being best friends and there is even a competition to win a role on Sam & Cat.

Here is a picture of the cover, Ariana posted on Instagram-

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ariana at The Birthday Bash!

Last night, Ariana caught a bus with her friend Colleen, to Boston. She performed at the 1033 AMP Radio Station's Birthday Bash! Ariana performed The Way in front of a huge audience, and said she had a great time and that everyone was really nice.

Ariana posted these pictures-

Getting ready to sing at 's ! See you soon
Had a blast performing today, thank you Boston for the incredibly warm welcome. U guys are so nice. I ❤
Back in Nyc already with & . Watching Sex & The City and ordering food in. 🌃🗽💘


You can watch the performance here-

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Ariana at 'Crazy For You'

Yesterday, Ariana attended her big brother Frankie's show Crazy For You. She said he did a great job and she was super proud of him. She went to the last performance with one of her best friends, Colleen Ballinger. 
After the show, she met some fans and then caught a bus to Boston.

Here are some tweets-
En route to Pennsylvania with to see 's closing night of his show ☺😘
Beyond proud of you . He was so incredible in his musical tonight. You better sing and tap for 3 hours!!!
You most certainly did 💋 RT I dedicate this performance of to , who never ceases to make me proud! I hope I get to

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sam & Cat- New Goat

This weekend a new episode of Sam & Cat is going to air. It's called New Goat, and indroduces a new character, Goomer played by Zoran Korach. The episode is about the girls having to goat-sit a goat.
Here is an interview/promo for the episode-

Ariana tweeted-
Very exciting! U finally get to meet Goomer on tomorrow's . I love him & his character so much. Who's going to watch?

The new episode this weekend is called , hope you love it. Airs tomorrow night at 8 on

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Ariana in Seventeen Mag!

Ariana was chosen as the cover girl for the most recent issue of the US magazine, Seventeen. There is a page about Ariana in the magazine, where she is interviewed and talks about filming and her experience on tv. 
She went to a photoshoot where they took heaps of amazing pictures and chose one for the cover, here it is-

Ariana tweeted-
I just saw my cover at the airport and I held it up and asked a guy if I look like her... He said "I see it a little bit".

Want to thank so much for posting this, I sincerely appreciate it. :) You guys are wonderful.

Here are some more pictures from the photoshoot-

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Ariana's 'Harry Potter' Birthday Party

Ariana's birthday was a few days ago, and to celebrate she had a Harry Potter, themed party. They had a Harry Potter cake, decorations and costumes. She celebrated with friends and Family.
 You can check out some of the pictures here-

Arianas friend Colleen, posted a video of the party, you can check it out here-

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Happy Birthday Ariana Grande!!
Today, it is Ariana's 20th birthday! She stayed up till midnight and tweeted about her birthday and being 20. She then watched some fan birthday-videos and thanked us for wishing her a happy birthday. You can tweet her a happy birthday here.

Ariana hasn't told us how she will be celebrating, last year she had a party at a restaurant with her friends and family.

Here is one of the many fan birthday videos-

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Ariana's Album is Finished!!

Today, Ariana tweeted that she has completly finished her album, all the recording is finished and it will be released very soon. She finished the first half yesterday, and the rest today. 
Ariana is super happy and proud of all her work, since the album has taken 3 years to create. She has decided to call it Daydreamin' after one of her songs.

Ariana tweeted-

In bed early. Today was one of the most special days of my whole life. My album is finished.
Feel like crying not sure if it's because I'm still sick or because I can't believe I finished my album I've been working on for 3 years.
Either way... I'm so thrilled and excited and relieved and happy and I can't wait to share this album with you. Falling asleep smiling. :)
And I love you.
I don't want to sleep I'm too excited.

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sam & Cat -Episodes 2 & 3

Last Saturday, the 2nd episode of Sam & Cat was aired in the US and yesterday, the 3rd episode aired. The episode has guest stars, Sophia Grace and Rosie, who play child con-artists. You can check out some promo videos here-

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Sam & Cat Episode 1 on iTunes!

Last week, the first episode of Jennette McCurdy and Ariana Grande's new show, Sam & Cat was aired on Nickelodeon in the US. It is now avaliable on US itunes by clicking here
You can check out a promo here-

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Ariana on Jimmy Fallon!

Just a few hours ago, Ariana and Mac Miller performed The Way on Jimmy Fallon. They performed together with the band The Roots, and dancers/back-up singers. It sounds great and we are super proud of Ariana's performance and her super high whistle-tones, especially since she hasn't been feeling well with a cold lately.
Ariana tweeted-

Had such a wonderful time on tonight w . What an honor performing with The Roots. Wooo what a band!!! Such TALENT.

Thanks & love to the absolutely lovely crew for making me feel so at home and feel better when I was coughing my lungs out!!

Mister is the most charming, kindest, funniest, sweetest guy I've met. Thank U for making me laugh and for the stuffed monkey.

You can check out the performance here-

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Monday, June 10, 2013

The Way Goes Platinum!

Yesterday, Ariana's single, The Way went platinum. I'm not exactly sure how many, but this means that The Way has sold A LOT of copies. It's a great song and definetly deserves the award. Here is the music video-

Ariana tweeted a lot, thanking her fans and everyone who supports her and purchased The Way-

The Way went platinum today!!!! Mom and I are crying. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Music has been my passion since I was a little girl and now I have my first platinum record at 19. No words to express my gratitude!!!!

Hope to make you very really proud w this album... and the next one... And the one after that! Thank u again 🌸😊🙏💋

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